Privacy Policy

We have written this Privacy Notice in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to explain why and how Entourage Business Development Ltd uses your data.

Who are we?

We are Entourage Business Development Ltd (Entourage BD). We are an outsourced sales and marketing department for creative agencies and B2B businesses. On behalf of our clients (the agencies and B2B businesses), we source data about and contact businesses that might be interested in our clients’ offerings.

Our contact details are:

  • Address – 4th Floor, 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ
  • Website –
  • Phone number – 020 3176 6900

Our data protection officer is Anna Allison. Anna is Business & Marketing Director at Entourage BD. She can be contacted at [email protected] or on 020 3176 6900.

Why do we use your data?

We only use your data for B2B purposes. There are two capacities in which we collect, store and process personal data: 1) acting as Entourage BD; and 2) acting on behalf of our clients.

When we are acting as Entourage BD, we collect, store and process the personal data of individuals within creative agencies and B2B businesses. There are a number of reasons we do this, including:

  • For outreach and marketing purposes. We may contact you via email, phone or LinkedIn to tell you about a product, service, event, piece of content or meeting that you might be interested in. The lawful basis for this is legitimate interest.
  • Because you have signed up to an event or booked an introductory meeting with a potential new client sourced through Entourage BD. We will contact you via email, phone or LinkedIn to give you the details of that event or meeting. The lawful basis for this is contract, as you require these details if we are to carry out our agreement.

When we are acting on behalf of our clients (the above creative agencies and B2B businesses), we collect, store and process the data of individuals within businesses that may benefit from our clients’ products and services. We do this for the following reasons:

  • Because we want to tell you about a product, service, event, piece of content or meeting that your company may be interested in. We will only contact you if we think that the product or service we are promoting is relevant to you (based on your job title and the sector that you operate within). We will contact you via email, phone or LinkedIn. As we are acting on behalf of our clients, we will contact you under our client’s brand. This is simply to avoid confusion about who you are speaking with. The lawful basis for this processing is legitimate interest, which we outline in the next section. You can easily opt out if you don’t wish to hear from us.
  • Because you have signed up to an event or booked an introductory meeting with one of our creative agencies or B2B business clients. We will contact you (as our client) via email, phone or LinkedIn to give you the details of that event or meeting. The lawful basis for this is contract, as you require these details in order for us to carry out our agreement.
  • Because we haven’t heard from you following a previous attempt to get in touch. We may contact you again via email, phone or LinkedIn to tell you about a product, service, event, piece of content or meeting that you might be interested in. The lawful basis for this is legitimate interest, which we outline in the next section.

Our legitimate interests

We are an outsourced sales and marketing department for creative agencies and B2B businesses. Our offering involves connecting our clients with businesses that could benefit from their products and services. So, we have a legitimate interest in contacting relevant businesses on behalf of our clients – providing a high-quality service that benefits each party.

What type of data do we hold?

We do not hold special category data. Examples of personal data we store include your name, company, email address, office location, company phone number (as well as, occasionally, your mobile number or direct office phone number) and LinkedIn URL.

How we share your data

We work in partnership with our clients (the creative agencies and B2B businesses that are offering businesses products or services) and contact businesses on their behalf. Both Entourage BD and our clients (the creative agencies and B2B businesses) have access to the data that is collected from businesses.

When you provide us with your data, it will be stored within our CRM system, Creatio

If you register for an event and enter your details, your data may be stored on Unbounce – the platform in which we build our event micro-sites.

Where we get your data

When deciding whether to contact you about a product or a service, we look at your job title and the sectors you operate within. We primarily source our data from LinkedIn Companies House and Cognism. If we need to source further information, we may use Google. Sometimes, we use Hunter or Lusha to scan for personal data. We may also collect data over the phone from representatives within businesses.

How long we keep your data

We review the personal data we store every two years. If it is out of date at that stage, we will remove it. If the data is still necessary to our processes, we will keep it on record.

Why do we need your data?

We require your personal data so that we can send you relevant communications about our own, or our clients’ products, services, events and thought leadership. If we do not have the necessary data, we will not be able to contact you about relevant products and services that could enhance your business.

Your rights

It is your right to request access to your personal data. You can do this by contacting us via email, phone or post, using the contact details provided at the top of this Privacy Notice. If you have previously given us consent to use your personal data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You also have the right to correct or delete your data from our systems or restrict how it is processed. You can do this via email, phone or post.

You can also use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails to remove your details from our mailing list.

How to complain

It is your right to complain if you think that we have lost or mishandled your data. You can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO’s address is: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Using your data for automated decision making

We do not use your data for automated decision making. We may use automated processes to send out emails related to an action that you have taken – e.g. sending you a reminder about an event you have signed up to, or resending an email that you haven’t yet opened.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 1 November 2022.